New life, new chapter: breaking up on the road

The story behind the separation of Lost With Purpose, plus some love and advice about breaking up while traveling.


Over the last couple of years, I’ve made some dangerous life decisions.

I’ve traversed one of the most dangerous provinces of Pakistan, hitchhiked along one of the highest roads in the world, backpacked through Afghanistan. Security forces with Kalashnikovs escorted me through towns, drunken men waving knives gave me a ride in the mountains, and chainsaw-laden boys high on opium led me through the jungle.

Despite all that, I’ve never been so scared shitless on the road as I was a few weeks ago, sitting on my bed in a dingy guesthouse in Calcutta. 

There, for the first time in my life, I had to face the prospect of traveling alone.

The end of an era

A couple of weeks beforehand, I broke up with Sebastiaan, my partner and travel companion of almost six years.

Breaking up on the road - Posing as a couple in Afghanistan - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Sebastiaan and I checking out the Panjshir Valley in Afghanistan… where we had to pretend we were married!

I won’t go into the dirty details of how and why we broke up. Let’s just say: it was a long time coming for me.

The things you see on the internet don’t always paint the whole picture. Though our lives and love seemed peachy perfect online, we had differences that would never truly be reconciled, so I decided to end things.

It goes without saying, but please respect my decision.

Breaking up on the road - Alex walking into the mist on the Brahmaputra river in Assam, India - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Enjoying the morning mist while cruising the Brahmaputra river in Assam

Breaking up while traveling ain’t easy

It was not an easy decision to make.

I crossed oceans and moved to a new country for Sebastiaan. Together we saved for years, sold everything we owned, and left to travel the world.

During almost two years on the road, we shared the highest highs and the lowest lows. We faced death as we vomited in a toilet for hours after an overdose of Georgian hospitality, and shared the rush of watching a desert sunrise over some of the most incredible buildings in the world.

I wasn’t sure if I was making the right choice. Is it wrong to give up on such a significant relationship? Maybe I’m not trying hard enough to make things work? Maybe something is wrong with me?

Eventually, I realized it needed to happen. To put it simply, I was no longer happy.

Life is far too short to spend all of your time with someone who doesn’t make you happy, history or not. After months of deliberation and second-guessing myself, I bit the bullet and did what I needed to do.

Reality strikes 

At first, I felt free.

I found the courage to do what must be done! I was an empowered woman taking her life into her own hands! I was free to travel the world on my own schedule! Hells yes bitches, fuck the patriarchy!

… but a few days later, reality set in as I sat in a $3 prison cell of a room in Calcutta. Feelings of liberation morphed into to fear about the future.

Breaking up on the road - Alex in Calcutta guesthouse - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Going crazy on the roof of my prison guesthouse in Calcutta. Thanks Katia for the photo!

I needed to figure out how to handle myself on my own. How to tell my family and friends and followers. How to proceed with this blog and business. How to fit my own shampoo and conditioner in my overstuffed backpack.

Most importantly, I had to figure out where the heck I was going next.

Decisions, decisions

Sebastiaan and I were supposed to head to Pakistan for New Year’s. We had train tickets to Amritsar, near the India-Pakistan border, and a visa that would soon expire. At the time, getting a Pakistan visa on the road was a logistical nightmare. Sebastiaan decided to head to Bangladesh instead, but I needed to use my Pakistani visa… right?

Breaking up on the road - Alex alone looking out over Nanga Parbat mountain from Fairy Meadows, Pakistan - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Looking out over Nanga Parbat—the 9th highest mountain in the world—in Fairy Meadows, Pakistan

I love Pakistan to the ends of the earth and back, but it’s not the best country in the world for women, and not the most ideal place to take my first steps as a solo female traveler. (Update 2020: I’ve since traveled Pakistan as a solo female many times and I love it even more now.)

I wasn’t sure I was up to fending off unwanted advances, hanging out with mostly men, answering questions about my lack of husband and/or children, and explaining that, heh, Sebastiaan and I weren’t actually married after all (sorry if I’ve lied to you in the past).

Especially not while learning to travel solo.

Between indecisive fretting, dealing with a variety of (unfortunately timed) health issues, and fending off my mother’s panicked pleas for me to come home, I meditated on what I really, really wanted in the coming weeks.

Greenery. Peace and quiet. Somewhere familiar and comfortable and easy. Ideally sans creepers.

My train to Amritsar left as scheduled. I didn’t. I booked myself a ticket back to Northeast India instead.

Breaking up on the road - Majuli river island at sunrise - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Exactly what I needed!

Island sanctuary 

Weeks later, I have never been so delighted with a decision I made. Majuli river island in Assam was my home for two weeks, and it was exactly what I needed.

I spent mornings lounging on the porch of my bamboo cottage, battling inboxes and writing articles I should’ve written weeks ago. Afternoons were for wandering hither and thither by foot or bicycle. Campfires warmed my feet in the evenings as I chatted with locals and travelers alike. Sometimes I was lonely late at night, but I imagine that’s an inevitable part of solo travel… one I treated with rice beer terrible television and good books.

As days passed without my untimely demise (amazing), I realized I’ll be fine traveling on my own. Finding trains, hauling bags, picking holes in the walls for lunch; I’ve been doing these things for years.

Every day my confidence grows, the fear clears. Maybe solo travel isn’t so intimidating after all!

Breaking up on the road - Bicycling on Majuli river island in Assam, India - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Is there anything better for the soul than a bike adventure on a sunny day? Cheers to Pallab for the photo.

What’s next for Lost With Purpose?

Of course, that doesn’t mean all of the confusion has been resolved. I’m back on my feet on a personal level, but what about next steps for the blog?

Good news: Lost With Purpose is here to stay.

This whole time, I’ve been the voice behind the stories you read on the blog. The hand behind the ramblings you scroll through on Facebook. The eye behind the lens of the photos you see on Instagram. Being alone hasn’t changed that.

Solo female travel - Shooting photos of Rani Ki Vav stepwell in Gujarat, India - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Shooting the epic Rani Ki Vav stepwell in Gujarat, India. Thanks Devanshi for the photo!

You shouldn’t notice much of a change in the content on the blog. Stories, photo essays, travel guides to places no one ever thought about writing a guide for—my mill of a mind will keep chugging away, just as it always has.

The only difference is you might see less photos of me on the ‘gram—I’m too self-conscious to set up a tripod to take photos of myself most of the time! It attracts far too much attention in India anyway.

Going from couples travel to female solo travel - Alex with a family picnicking on Majuli island - Lost With Purpose travel blog

But I’m not opposed to having new friends take photos with me!

Sebastiaan may or may not play a role in the blog’s future. That’s something we’ll decide later on, when decisions can be made based on logic rather than emotions.

In the past, he handled the administrative side of things: answering emails and messages, working with businesses, organizing collaborations. I’ll be gradually taking over that department now. If you notice a lag in response time in the coming weeks, bear with me—I’m notoriously bad at responding to messages, though I read each and every one!

Though things are changing under the hood, Sebastiaan is still writing informative guides for places we’ve both visited. Despite breaking up, we both still want to help out fellow travelers in whatever ways we can.

Over time, I’ll transition from a couples blog to blogging about only me #narcissist, but that should be the biggest change you’ll see. I intend to do it in the near future… but I know I’ll probably procrastinate until I figure out what to call myself. The internet doesn’t need another solo female travel blogger!

(Ideas totally welcome. Will show gratitude with dinner and/or beer when our paths cross on the road.)

Solo female travel - Alex looking out over Balkh, Afghanistan - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Looking out over the dusty landscape of Balkh, Afghanistan. Perhaps one day I’ll be bold (or stupid) enough to return here on my own!

An end, a beginning

In the end, all that really matters is that I legitimately love running this blog. It brings me joy to share off the beaten track places and people with you, and though my personal life has changed, that love has not.

It’s an honor to know you all read my words and look at my photos and actually think about them for more than three seconds. Messages of thanks and compliments stroke my ego keep me motivated. The crazy amounts of love and support and advice you all gave when I announced the break up quelled my nerves, and gave me the confidence I needed to stop hiding in bed and get out the door.

Don’t think of this break up as the end of the blog as you know it, but rather as the next stage of the blog’s existence.

A final word on breaking up while traveling

If you’re reading this post just to know what happened between me and Sebastiaan… that’s all I’ve got for you. Thanks for making it to the end of this little ramble, and supporting both us and the blog during this tumultuous transition.

If, however, you’re reading this because you’re also going through a break up on the road, I have a bit more love to share.

Breaking up is never easy, and it’s even more complicated on the road when you’re thousands of kilometers away from friends and family.

I received loads of advice from others when I announced the break up, but the best advice I got was to “be gentle with yourself.”

Before booking my ticket to Northeast India, I felt pressured to carry on with my travels as though nothing had happened. To continue to explore adventurous locales and escape the beaten tourist track.

… and that was silly. Sometimes you need to take time to organize your thoughts, figure out your next steps, and give yourself a break.

Solo female travel - Girl biking on Majuli river island in Assam, India - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Enjoying the peace of Majuli. Thanks Pallab for taking this photo! (No, I’m still not over my aversion to tripods…)

Don’t hesitate to love yourself, to take things easy. Head somewhere familiar, book yourself a nice hotel room, and hide out and eat unhealthy things and watch bad television for a few days. I sure as hell did.

Whatever you’re feeling, however isolated you may feel, know that you’re not alone. Friends and family are just a Whatsapp or Skype call away. Other travelers understand the hardships being far from home, and can be more receptive than you’d expect. Facebook groups like Girls Love Travel are always there to help a lost sister out, or help you find a travel buddy to keep you company.

And, of course, my ears are always open.

Do what makes you feel best. Just remember to take care of yourself, and know that time heals all.


Breaking up on the road is not an easy decision to make, nor an easy one to follow through on! Here's my story of breaking up while traveling, with advice to others who may be going through the same.


Alex Reynolds profile picture

Alex Reynolds

American by birth, British by passport, Filipina by appearance. Addicted to ice cream. Enjoys climbing trees, dislikes falling out. Has great fondness for goats which is usually not reciprocated.

More about Alex

56 thoughts on “New life, new chapter: breaking up on the road

    Tim UrbanDuniya says:

    Wow, what a personal and brave post. All I can say is that I am sorry to hear about this, but at the same time I admire your courage and wish you both all the very best for the future. You’re absolutely right when you say that breaking up is never easy, but I’m sure you (both) will come through stronger on the other side. Safe travels (both on the road and in life), and love from Australia or Pakistan or wherever. Looking forward to the next big adventure x

    Francisco Gomez says:

    Hi Alex, came across your blog this morning while searching for information on the Kalash region of Pakistan. Needless to say, you are a great storyteller, full of life and adventure!
    Breaking up with someone who was a part of your life experiences is difficult (in the beginning), but it appears you followed your bliss toward an architect of the change you desire to see and create; that is, a state of fulfillment and emotional happiness!

    Wishing you health and safe travels, wherever your journey takes you!


    Alex says:

    Thank you for the kind words Francisco! Yes, there have been some challenges in the last few weeks, but I’m happy I took the plunge and did what needed to be done. Take care, wherever you are!

    Beya says:

    Thank you for sharing! So brave of you, and I have no doubt you will do well!

    Alex says:

    Thank you for taking the time to read it 🙂 I hope your words hold true!

    ESKIM says:

    I’ve been lurking your blog and lived vicariously through you as another solo female traveler who can’t take a step into another world right now.
    sorry for what have happened to you, but everything happens for some reasons. hope it lead you to new chapter in your trip, I’m excited about new adventures ahead of you. stay strong and safe! 🙂

    KC McCormick Ciftci says:

    This is the very first blog post of yours I’ve read, and wow, Alex. I so admire your vulnerability, as well as your bravery in continuing to soldier on and even figure out ways to work together with someone who played such a big role in your life, your travels, this blog. Sending you lots of good vibes <3

    tygerwalla says:

    All the best. Celebrate yourself and your accomplishments. They have been more than what ordinary offers up. Chin up!

    Alex says:

    I still have much more to accomplish, let’s not get ahead of ourselves 😉 Thanks for the encouragement, though!

    Ms ZiYou says:

    We definitely need more female solo travel bloggers, especially people that go to such cool places as you.

    Alex says:

    Well then, I’ll try not to disappoint 😉

    Catarina Piedade says:

    Hello… I had the same in India in 2013… also broke up a 8 year old relationship… the end of something means a new start! and travel works always as a catalyser in our life!
    I travel in India for a few more months and this took me to a 4 year long travel in Asia and Middle East!!!
    Enjoy the freedom

    Alex says:

    I’m enjoying it already! India is a tough place to be as a lone woman at times, but it’s also a world of opportunity if you’re open to it. Hopefully I can keep on traveling as long as you! Take care 🙂

    Bambi says:

    Inspirational, went through something similar and cannot wait to get back out there and go solo this time.

    All about that self love. X

    Alex says:

    We could all do with a little more self love! Perhaps our paths will cross on the road one day and we can swap solo travel stories 🙂

    Shubham Mansingka says:

    Nothing better than Majuli and the familiar looking path near La Maison de Ananda!

    I am certain you will create awesome content as always. My favourite travel blog 🙂


    Alex says:

    I concur wholeheartedly! Thanks man 🙂

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