Livin’ it up in Laya at the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival

A photo essay about an adventure to the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan, a celebration of nomadic culture in Bhutan’s highest settlement.


It’s not every day you get to chat with the King of Bhutan, dive out of the way of yaks in outfits, and sip hot tea among a sea of traditional headdresses, all at a festival situated at more than 4,000 meters above sea level.

Just sayin’.

Surreal as it sounds, that’s exactly what went down when we visited the second Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan.


The annual Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan is an epic celebration of highlander nomadic culture in Bhutan. From decorated yaks to Himalayan views to local sports, if you’re looking for an exciting and off- the-beaten-track festival in Bhutan, this is the perfect place to start! Click through for photos from the 2017 Royal Highlander festival, and tips and travel advice for getting to future Royal Highlander Festivals.


What is the Royal Highlander Festival? 

For those not in the know—which is most of the world at this point in time—the two-day Royal Highlander Festival is an annual celebration of nomadic highlander traditions in Laya, Bhutan.

The festival began as the brainchild of the fifth king of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. Before the advent of the Royal Highlander Festival, the mountainous northern areas of Bhutan lacked representation on the country’s festival calendar; most Bhutanese festivals occur in more “accessible” regions of the country.

To resolve this issue, His Majesty initiated the Royal Highlander Festival to bring some light and love to the hardy highlander people thriving in the Himalayas of northern Bhutan.

Photos of the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Layap woman in traditional clothes walking in the Himlayan mountains - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Welcome to the highlands of Bhutan!

Despite 2017 being only the second year of the Royal Highlander Festival’s existence, it drew quite the crowd. From local Layaps in pointed beaded headdresses, to groups of Monpas in dreaded yak hair hats, highlanders of all ethnicities congregated in Laya to share their culture with the rest of Bhutan. Royalty, volunteers, and visitors from all over Bhutan completed the crowd, coming together to ensure the festival’s success. There were some foreigners present—our tour group included—but we were by far the minority. No tourist traps at this festival!

Photos of the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Laya settlement in the clouds - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Laya in the clouds

The road (or lack thereof) to Laya

The fact that any outsiders showed up at all is impressive in itself, as traveling to Laya, even for a native, is a multi-day endeavor.

Laya is one of the most remote settlements in Bhutan, and the highest in the country at more than 3,800 meters (12,500 feet) above sea level. There’s no road to Laya, so the only ways to reach the festival are to trek or to hire a private helicopter. Bhutan’s few helicopters were rather preoccupied serving some of the dignitaries attending the festival—but most people, including the King of Bhutan, opted to trek to the festival—so trek we did!

Photos of the Gasa - Laya trek in Bhutan - Starting views of the trek - Lost With Purpose travel blog

A solid starting view to our two-day Gasa – Laya trek.

Over the span of two days, our tour group and guides trekked from the village of Gasa to the village of Laya. Though we were plagued by some unlucky injuries and seemingly incessant cold and rain, the scenery more than made up for any struggle.

Photos of the Gasa - Laya trek in Bhutan - Tour group crossing a bridge on the river en route to Laya - Lost With Purpose travel blog

This picture perfect river valley also doubled as our campsite on the way back.

Guide to the Gasa - Laya trek in Bhutan - Mountain peeking through the clouds at sunrise - Lost With Purpose travel blog

I emerged from my tent on the second morning to a glimpse of mountains through the rain clouds. Not bad for first view of the morning, eh?

Photos of the Gasa - Laya trek in Bhutan - Long exposure of a river running past the campsite - Lost With Purpose travel blog

The river running past our midway campsite.

Photos of the Gasa - Laya trek in Bhutan - Scenery along the second day of the 2-day Gasa - Laya trek - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Scenery along the second day’s climb to Laya.

Photos of the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Local Layap girls cheering on Snowman Run participants - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Nothing like a cheery face to motivate you on the home stretch! These local Layap girls cheered on runners racing up to Laya during the Snowman Run, a 26-kilometer (16 mile) race from Gasa to the Royal Highlander Festival grounds in Laya. (Yes, there are people in this world fit enough to run long distance races at 4,000 m above sea level.)

Photos of the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Laya village - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Hiya Laya!

The 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in photos

And so began the second Royal Highlander Festival in Laya.

Over the course of two days, men wrestled, horses raced, and children danced. Tireless runners scaled mountains while clueless cows won prizes.

Though Bhutanese custom dictates we couldn’t take photos, we had a chat with the King of Bhutan (who totally looked like Tom Cruise from Top Gun in his aviators). He spotted us while strolling through the festival to greet and speak with local people, and warmly welcomed us to Bhutan and asked how our trip was going so far. We also had tea with the humble yet elegant Princess Namzey, who was volunteering at the festival in a bright orange jumpsuit.

In between casually hanging out with royalty, we ogled vibrant textiles and jewelry adorning the local visitors, watched adorable animals on parade, and devoured hot yak sausages to keep up our energy. (Protip: Do eat. Tastes like hot dogs.)

The Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan was a visual treat—and a photographer’s dream—so rather than tell you how it was, I’ll let the photos do the talking.

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Locals trekking up to the Laya festival grounds - Lost With Purpose travel blog

The walk up from Laya to the 4,000-meter (13,100 feet) plus fairgrounds was colorful and festive. Plenty of curious people stopped to chat and ask us where we were from, and one man even showed us a massive sword!

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Laya settlement from above with snowy mountains in the background - Lost With Purpose travel blog

But the walk was also tiring, even for locals! Luckily, there were plenty of stunning views to treat your eyes while catching your breath.

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Man on a yak walking up to the festival - Lost With Purpose travel blog

… and plenty of animals on the move to keep you on your toes!

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Entrance to the festival grounds with snowy Himalayas in the background - Lost With Purpose travel blog

After the 45-minute climb at such high altitudes, the entrance to the festival grounds looked—and felt—like the gateway to heaven.

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Yaks in costumes and decoration at the festival - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Complete with divine creatures and all.

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Crowds of locals in traditional Layap clothes at the festival - Lost With Purpose travel blog

There were all kinds of activities going on at the Royal Highlander Festival at any given moment. Rather than stress over what to see, we just joined the crowds and waited to see what happened.

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Local Layap ladies shouting in the crowd - Lost With Purpose travel blog

(The crowds were pretty into it, so all we had to do was follow the noise!)

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival - Girls carrying boys in a relay race at the Royal Highlander Festival - Lost With Purpose travel blog

From horse races to comedy shows to wacky relays, there was never a dull moment at the festival.

Guide to the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Excited crowd cheering - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Especially when sitting with crowds of excited locals. One man was kind enough to teach us a couple of chants in the local Layap language so we could properly cheer on the contestants.

Guide to the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Crowds of local Layap people at the festival - Lost With Purpose travel blog

(And yes, there were crowds of people, despite the remote location!)

Food at the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Free tea and snacks handed out at the festival - Lost With Purpose travel blog

To keep up the crowd’s energy, volunteers periodically came around with pots of tea and baskets of fried biscuits to snack on.

Tip: Bhutanese people always bring a cup (and, ideally, a bowl) to festivals to capitalize on the free refreshments. Do follow their example!

Food at the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Hot yak sausage slices - Lost With Purpose travel blog

If tea and fried bits weren’t your jam, there were plenty of other kinds of food for purchase at the festival, ranging from spicy Tibetan momos to hot yak sausages.

Photos of the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Yaks and other livestock on display at the festival - Lost With Purpose travel blog

For those who like going full circle: after enjoying plates of yak sausage, you could stroll back outside to admire living yaks (… and ponder how good they taste).

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Local Layap lady with a yak with a saddle - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Many people brought their animals to the festival for livestock competitions. Others, like this Layap lady, brought animals along so visitors could try riding them.

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Man showing a baby yak at the festival - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Whether for rivalry or revelry, all the animals were quite the spectacle!

Photos from the 2017 Royal Highlander festival in Laya, Bhutan - Layap woman posing with her cow - Lost With Purpose travel blog

The best part: all of the animals’ owners were happy to pose with their creatures for snap-happy festival guests.

Photos of the Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan - Yaks tied to a post at the festival grounds - Lost With Purpose travel blog

The animals themselves weren’t too bothered by cameras, either.

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan - Man showing his horse - Lost With Purpose travel blog

And there were plenty of photo ops as the livestock competition prizewinners lapped the show area for a final hurrah.

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan - Man showing a prize winning Himalayan mastiff at the festival - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Yaks and horses stole the show, but there were a handful of hunting dogs and cows on display, too.

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Men in colorful traditional Bhutanese gho watching the spectacle - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Despite the flurry of furry activity, I found myself people watching above all else. How could I say no to these colorful gho? (Traditional male Bhutanese dress)

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan - Headdresses of local Layap ladies - Lost With Purpose travel blog

… or the brilliantly beaded headdresses of the local Layap women?

[bscolumns class=”one_third one_third_first”] Talk about crazy patterns! A Bhutanese boy in a silver and blue "gho", traditional male Bhutanese dress, at the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan. [/bscolumns][bscolumns class=”one_third”] An adorable young Bhutanese boy rocking a fedora and colorful "gho", traditional male Bhutanese dress, at the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan. [/bscolumns][bscolumns class=”one_third_last”] These colors are goals! A girl in a beautiful patterned "kira", traditional female Bhutanese dress, at the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan. [/bscolumns][bscolumns class=”clear”][/bscolumns]
Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Women dancing in a circle at the festival - Lost With Purpose travel blog

… and don’t even get me started on the textiles. *Drool.*

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Young hip boys posing in colorful patterned gho, traditional male Bhutanese dress - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Seriously, though, just look at their gho. 98.7% sure these are the most fly outfits I’ve ever seen.

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan - Layap woman in traditional clothes - Lost With Purpose travel blog

And these people aren’t exceptions—all the locals at the festival were dressed in their best!

[bscolumns class=”one_third one_third_first”] Portrait of a Layap girl in traditional headdress, dress, and beads at the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan. The perfect off the beaten track adventure in Bhutan! [/bscolumns][bscolumns class=”one_third”] Portrait of a Layap woman in her traditional headdress and clothes at the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan. The festival, filled with local people in their best traditional Bhutanese dress, is a dream for anyone interested in Bhutan photography! [/bscolumns][bscolumns class=”one_third_last”] A Layap woman in traditional bamboo beaded headdress and colorful beads posing at the fairgrounds of the Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan. The festival celebrates the nomadic highlanders of Bhutan, and is a photographer's dream! [/bscolumns][bscolumns class=”clear”][/bscolumns]
Photos of Layaps at the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Local Layap women sitting in front of a traditional black yak hair tent in Laya - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Local Layap people composed most of the crowd…

Photos of the Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan - Family of Monpa people - Lost With Purpose travel blog

… but other ethnic groups could be spotted if you were attentive, such as this family of Monpa people. Monpas live in the far east of Bhutan, and there’s a small Monpa population in the west of Arunachal Pradesh near Tawang.

Photos of the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - Monpa yak hair hats and embroidered vests - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Spiky yak hair hats are the most iconic part of the Monpa ensemble, but their embroidered vests are what caught my eye!

Photos of the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan - Layap woman walking in the mountains - Lost With Purpose travel blog

As the festival wound down and people began to head home, we retreated to the festival’s fringes to enjoy the festival’s grand finale: the location. As we stood admiring the views from a hill, a friendly man from Thimphu, Bhutan’s capital, pointed out a mountain just above the festival. Apparently there’s a beautiful alpine lake just a few hours’ walking from the festival grounds!

Photos of the Royal Highlander Festival in Laya, Bhutan - Men in gho walking into the mountains - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Despite our history with epic festivals, I have no issue with saying this was the most beautiful festival location we’ve ever been to. I think you can understand why.

How to travel to the next Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan via the Gasa – Laya trek

If you have eyeballs, we assume you’re now convinced you need to attend the 2018 Royal Highlander Festival. (We know we are.)

To help you plan your trip, here’s what you need to know about traveling to the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan:


Unless you’re from India, Bangladesh, or the Maldives, you’re required to visit Bhutan through a tour company. sponsored our trip to Bhutan, and they’re one of very few tour companies who knew about and brought tourists to the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival (to the impressed surprise of many locals). We had a great time traveling with them, and can highly recommend their services. Make sure to book ahead of time, as tours during the high season (October) book up fast!


There are opportunities for both camping and basic guesthouses/homestays in Laya. Tour companies can arrange accommodation based on your preferences.

How to get to the Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan - A tour company's tent camp in Laya - Lost With Purpose travel blog

Our camp in Laya.


Once you’ve committed to a tour company, make sure to set the date in your calendar! The next festival will occur sometime around the 23rd of October 2018, though dates can always change. Count on the festival lasting two days, and give yourself several days before and after for acclimating to the altitude and trekking up to the festival grounds. And a few more days to explore the rest of Bhutan because duh.


The first and second Royal Highlander Festivals were held in Laya, though there are rumors that future festivals will be held in other highland settlements. Stay tuned—we’ll update when we know more.


If the festival is held in Laya, you must to trek to the festival grounds via the Gasa – Laya trek. Unless you want to shell out for a helicopter, that is. Most locals trek to the festival. Even the King of Bhutan trekked up in 2017!

The Gasa – Laya trek is a high-altitude trek of moderate difficulty on very uneven terrain at times, and involves around 1,500 – 2,000 meters of vertical ascent. Horses are available for carrying luggage along the route. Our trekking route began from a starting point outside Gasa, and took two days for our group of generally fit, though not overly athletic people. Keep in mind that weather can be quite unpredictable in the mountains, and inclement weather can slow things down significantly. These are the Himalayas we’re talking about!

Fit as you may be, if planning on doing any part of the Gasa – Laya trek, be sure to get a bit of exercise in before leaving home! Medical professionals recommend doing practice treks with a backpack on, or taking up cycling for a time. Also, walking sticks are your friends.


For more information on future Royal Highlander Festivals, check out these websites:


The annual Royal Highlander Festival in Bhutan is an epic celebration of highlander nomadic culture in Bhutan. From decorated yaks to Himalayan views to local sports, if you’re looking for an exciting and off- the-beaten-track festival in Bhutan, this is the perfect place to start! Click through for photos from the 2017 Royal Highlander festival, and tips and travel advice for getting to future Royal Highlander Festivals.


Yay, transparency! All the costs of our trip were covered by , and this Royal Highlander adventure was part of their first official tour in Bhutan. Though a young company, they’ve proven to us that they’re capable of bringing tourists to this festival, and ensuring everyone has a blast. We recommend using them to visit the Royal Highlander Festival (and the rest of Bhutan). Just remember that everyone’s experience is different, and book at your own discretion.

Alex Reynolds profile picture

Alex Reynolds

American by birth, British by passport, Filipina by appearance. Addicted to ice cream. Enjoys climbing trees, dislikes falling out. Has great fondness for goats which is usually not reciprocated.

More about Alex

45 thoughts on “Livin’ it up in Laya at the 2017 Royal Highlander Festival

    Zoie says:

    Wow, all your pictures look gorgeous — the moments you captured look full of life, and I could pick out the bond between these locals, as well the hecticness and loudness of the festival, just by looking at the people, landscapes, and motions in your photographs. You’re definitely right about the photographs telling the story much better than words can. This was a great post that introduced me to an event that I had no idea existed before — I enjoyed reading it!

    Alex says:

    Thanks Zoie! The festival was undoubtedly vibrant and eye catching—it was hard to know where to look sometimes! Hopefully you can visit one day and see for yourself 🙂

    Unta says:

    What an awesome place, and your photos are so beautiful. You introduced me this country in best possible way!

    Alex says:

    Cheers Unta! Indeed, Bhutan is a total dream, and this is just one part of it. Everywhere you go, I promise you’ll be blown away by what you see 🙂

    Anna says:

    These photos are just amazing! That must’ve been an experience of a lifetime. I’m happy that you got to experience it as one of the first Western people. Well done!

    Sebastiaan says:

    Thanks a lot. Yeah it was a really cool experience, and the location was just too epic!

    Helene says:

    What an amazing experience!:) Your photos capture it so well, I felt like I was there for a moment:) So cool that you learned so much about the culture (and the food looks delicious!)! Thanks for sharing:)

    Sebastiaan says:

    Really glad to hear you liked the article. And yeah, the food was awesome. That alone is a reason to visit again 😉

    Cory Varga says:

    Oh Alex, you somehow made me addicted to your blog and articles. I absolutely love Lost with Purpose. Great photography <3

    Sebastiaan says:

    That’s so great to hear, thanks a lot!

    Sarah says:

    This looks like such an incredible experience. The views are breathtaking and your pictures are gorgeous. And how awesome that you got to meet and talk to the King! Bet that’s not an every day experience…

    Sebastiaan says:

    Yeah meeting the king was quite special. Not everyday you get to meet royalty!

    Janine says:

    That landscape is incredible! I love your photos! It sounds like such an amazing trek to get up there! I would have loved to meet all of those fuzzy animals.

    Sebastiaan says:

    Haha yeah the animals we’re super cute. Contemplated getting one with figured it would be too impractical 😉

    Lisa says:

    Wow absolutely stunning. Your photos brought the festival to life. I am planning to visit in the next two years so this is definitely now on the list!

    Sebastiaan says:

    That’s great to hear. The walk up there is a bit of a slog, but worth all the effort!

    Kate says:

    What a great experience to have witnessed such festivity! Your photos are incredible, so alive and vibrant! Bhutan has been one of the destinations I wanted to visit and I could imagine how different a destination is especially when you witness such celebrations. A million thanks for sharing this post! Truly enjoyed it! 🙂

    Shandos says:

    It looks amazing! I would love to visit Bhutan in a couple of years and this looks like an awesome way to do it.

    Sebastiaan says:

    It’s definitely a beautiful country and awesome festival. Highly recommended.

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